I wanted to take this chance to say thank you to the behind the scenes people that make my adventures /fundraising possible.
My sensational wife who lets me go on these crazy walks. Katrina is always supportive whether its time to train or time to organise stuff. Home life gets pretty hectic trying to put 4 hours of training into the mix.
My two beautiful children who just think I'm plain crazy, spend many weekend hours without me around because I'm out training. Or when I turn up to school soaking in sweat (Lizzie did tell me I was not to come to school like that to do a presentation to her class). I'm sure they have know idea the enormity of the mission I have set myself but one day I hope they get it.
Kim Last has put up with my question after stupid question about how to blog, what's a label, why does this have to be a PDF , what is a PDF. Kim has set up the blog and done all the art work for the cards, posters and blog without hesitation. I am very sure Kim has put my questions ahead of paying work let alone family time, I cant thank you enough Kim. I could not have done it without your help.
Brendon Last has spent many hours over many beers working on cart design and trip planning. Brendon is giving up a lot of time to drop me on the other side of the Desert. I know I can rely on you for just about anything so thanks Mate.
The Mt Colah boys you have had to listen to me carry on about this walk for a very long time, you where also the the inspiration behind the Still. So thanks boys.
Foxy you pushed me thru the last time(and supported me) and it is this inspiration that will keep me going this time. Im going to miss my "sand nigger" and I'm going to have to cook all my own food and set and pack up camp. thanks heaps for the Sat phone too.
Besty and Drewboy I cant wait to be out in the the desert for a few days dropping of my emergency food, and our date for State of Origin in Mt Isa should be special too.( the stars all aligned and it just so happens that the night I will drop them in Mt Isa is the same night as game 1.) Both you guys are taking time off work so thanks heaps.
My Oldies, Mum and Dad, I have probably taken a few more years off there lives with worry (and this is before I even leave) Mum and Dad are travelling out to Birdsville to see me set off to the other side of the desert and staying in Birdsville until I return. You know that you will have to come and have a beer with me at the Birdsville pub when I finish don't you? Seriously you are the best parents I could ever ask for. Thankyou
And to the many people who I have missed of this blog Thankyou.
Well written Grae grae.... what can I said... our life would not be the same without you! You are a true friend and inspiration to us all (and your wife is pretty amazing too)